What Are Some Interesting Start-Ups In The Education Space?

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Be it facilitating students or equipping teachers, the abrupt and unforeseen changes in the academic system have thoroughly changed the face of education. It is apparently the advent of technology that has redefined the educational space. A few years back, when tech start-ups were gaining ground in the sectors of transportation, communication, healthcare, who would have thought that it would significantly shape up the world of education.

Whether it is UKEssays or completing other academic tasks now, students are entirely dependent on these online educational tools. However, to let students know more about the educational start-up emerged in the last decade, we have enlisted a couple of them that have tapped technology and altered teaching and learning methods in a great way.


This start-up has taken the relationship of students with the technology to a whole new level. The moment they noticed that technology is gaining ground in the world, they started working on new methods of providing the tech-info to the students. However, this step not only aware students of technology but it also play an eminent role in improving their grasp on the subjects related to technology. Students who are enrolled in it are benefitted immensely from it in multiple ways, hence, we can say that it is the best platform for students who are willing to improve their academic performance.


Students usually need legal academic help that does not violate any college policy. However, one app that can help students is nerdify. From delivering your course-related books to providing expert teachers in respective subject, this app helps students in every possible way. Certainly, it is the coolest and one of the best start-ups in the education-tech world, hence, students must get in touch with this tech-start-up to improve their academic performance in exams.

Teachers pay Teachers:

Teachers pay Teacher is an online educational institute for students that provides the best possible support to them in order to improve their academic performance. Besides providing multiple educational resources to students, it also allows students to interact with professional teachers and experts.


Bright students always know the significance of peer reviews and assessments. However, getting your academic task checked by a senior or professional academic writer not only helps in refining the text but it also plays a significant role in improving the quality of work. For this reason, PeerGrade allows students to review one another’s work because the feedback of another person on your work might bring significant changes in your work.


Forgetting the exam dates, essay submitting deadlines, and the significant academic tasks is common when you are working on multiple projects at the same time. However, the use of this app is the best way to remember all the important details of every subject and to keep every significant date in mind.

Class Dojo:

Like in a corporate culture decorum, morale, and ethics hold the significant value, in the same way, there is a proper culture of classrooms that must be followed and respected by students. This app encourages students to make the classroom a safe place to study and learn.

Conversely, for the sake of betterment of educational system, it is mandatory for all the teachers and students to get in touch with the online educational tools as it has a significant impact on the whole process of learning and teaching.

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