Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 1

Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 1
**Select a topic for mitigation. Possible topics include (but are not limited to):
Identify theft/Phishing
Digital divide
Cyber victimization
Physical or developmental disability limitations
**Identify the developmental age group that can be affected by the topic you chose
**Identify any diversity factors (e.g., gender, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation) relevant to the topic and developmental age you will be discussing
***Search the Internet and the Walden Library for at least two scholarly articles related to the topic you chose for mitigation
For this Final Project: Mitigation Plan, Part 1 Assignment:
Write a 1-page paper (not including references) in which you:
**Describe the topic you selected for mitigation and explain why you selected this topic.
**Define the problem relative to a particular developmental age group, culture, and/or gender and explain why you selected this group and how the digital technology you chose relates to the problem.
**Explain briefly the developmental and psychological risks associated with the failure to address the problem.

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