Dimensions of Human Sexuality

PSY 20009 Presentation

Dimensions of Human Sexuality


Semester 2, 2018

PSY 20009

Semester 2, 2018

Dimensions of Human Sexuality Presentation

A small group presentation of:

An Evaluation Plan for a Tool, Program / Therapy, or Information Source Relevant to Sexuality

The aim of the small group presentation is for students to verbally describe their object of evaluation and present their draft evaluation plan / ideas to a small group of fellow students (4 max) who will provide feedback on the plan.  This will occur in class.

Structure of Assessment

Verbal component: Students are expected to do a verbal presentation in class to a small group of fellow students. In the verbal presentation students must:

(a) Describe their evaluation item, including the target audience for the item (5 minutes);

(b) Present their draft evaluation plan for that item (10 minutes).

©  All students observing the presentation must ask a question about, or a make a critique of, the evaluation plan.  I.e.: students are expected to provide feedback to the presenter.


Learning Objectives

  1. To understand the process of evaluation.
  2. To receive feedback on evaluation plan.
  3. To be able to explain these ideas clearly and concisely.
  4. To clearly communicate ideas verbally to a small group.
  5. To be able to respond to critiques.



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