Assignment Paper-Introversion And Extroversion

Introversion And Extroversion

What Was Introversion And Extroversion As Related To American Foreign Policy?

My hospital is part of NYC Health + Hospitals healthcare system. Is the largest public health care system in the nation with a network of 11 hospitals and couple of long term facilities. They felt like the Quadramed system wasn’t unified across all the hospitals. During emergencies similar to hurricane Sandy nurses are obligated to report to the nearest hospital for duty and the issues was that they were not able to navigate through the system as well or at all. Epic implementation is delayed in my hospital for reason unknown to me I’m guessing is lack of staff coverage while nurses have to attend classes and training. The goal is once Epic is fully implemented, the health system will move from eight disparate electronic medical records system to a single and unified one.

I never heard of a superuser until now. It sounds like a great concept would actually help prevent lots of frustration with the transition process in my unit. I will look into that. I am the youngest nurse in my unit and the “ seasoned nurses” are having so much resistant when it come with software and any changes. It is scary to think of a whole new system where you have to retrieve and document pertinent information during your patient care. This will avert the feeling like whomever help create most system must not be a nurse that works on the floor because some questions doesn’t make sense or applied to the Pediatrics unit. Being educated about the system and being hands on will also ease most nurses with such changes.

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